SOUNDS | 19-04-24

I’ve lost everything to an explosion. Now that I’ve walked out, I can still hear the sounds in my ears. I fear the day the sounds leave me for good too. For they are all I have left. Stripped of everything. Of dreams, direction, thoughts. Im the walking dead. Im the color of midnight and…

Home | 25 January 2024

We built a home. Me and this girl. She has the face of an Angel, she cries silent tears into the night. But when she’s happy, the world sees light. She’s iridescent, made of the same stuff dreams and wildflowers are made of. She’s belly laughter and cold breeze. When she’s sad the world seems…

What do I write so it’s understood? What words to use that I haven’t already. This house has walls tainted with memories I want to run from. The taps are rusted, the switchboards don’t work. The floors creak with every step. Dust settles in places never to leave. The doors don’t close. People leave as…


If you had asked me of what life was, so much as a month ago, I’d look you in the eye and feed you a version I can no longer swallow myself. Funny how things can change in a month. In many ways, I am not the girl I was last month and in some,…

At 21 | 10-08-23

At 21, the world seems hopeless already. You still believe love holds the answers to all of life’s questions. But you hardly believe in love itself anymore. You have stopped making birthday cards for your loved ones. No day warrants celebrations. Conspiracy theories start to sound too plausible. You can still taste the tangerines from…

Gone girl |

I am a hoarder by nature. When one spends a lifetime being kept from something, he latches onto to as much of it as possible at the very first chance. The child in me surfaces every now and then and I hoard, I collect, I overspend, I overbuy at every chance. You have to understand,…


It’s the season of goodbyes. I love you, I tell you. But I have to go. It’s for the best, I repeat. I was only starting to really know you, And it’s already time to forget. I need to choose myself for once. But am I really choosing me if it hurts the way it…


I am a hoarder by nature. When one spends a lifetime being kept from something, he latches onto to as much of it as possible at the very first chance. The child in me surfaces every now and then and I hoard, I collect, I overspend, I overbuy at every chance. You have to understand,…

“Some love (the tectonic kind) is like Pangea, the greater whole may divide and parts may separate with great distances, but those parts will eventually end up back together” (A comment on one of the posts that has stuck with me )

It’s the season of goodbyes. I love you, I tell you. But I have to go. It’s for the best, I repeat. I need to choose myself for once. But am I really choosing me if it hurts the way it does? I want to pack my bags and leave. Where to? To home But…

I am told I’m too loud. As if it hasn’t taken years to be heard. I am told I start my sentences not knowing where they’ll land. The old habit comes from never being understood anyway. I shout and scream. I’ll shout till I wake up god from his sleep.

I met you. Finally. I thought I had it all figured. But I saw you and everything I knew of love went out the window. For the longest time I have tried to wrap my head around it, make sense of it. But all I’ve managed to do so far is zone out in crowds…

One woman

‘All it takes is that one woman’ he says. His index finger pointing upwards, as if to god. I met this guy in the cafeteria, overheated in this June evening, sweat lining my forehead, exhausted. When I sat down to chit chat I didn’t think I was signing up for anything more than a gup…

When she arrives, the past won’t matter. And she’ll arrive unexpected. When she enters your life, with her endless giggling and misplaced laughter, time will stop. She will talk like an animated dream. She’ll tell you stories, never once stopping to breathe, she’ll move her hands like she’s in movie. Her wide eyes will dance…

When she arrives with her endless giggling and misplaced laughter, time will pause. She will talk like an animated dream. She’ll tell you stories, never once stopping to breathe, she’ll move her hands like she’s in movie. Her eyes will dance on your face like the sun shining right onto you. She’ll have the smile…

18 June 2023 |

Why do people cross paths? Why do things go the way they do? I wonder if everything in life is coincidence or if anything means anything at all. I wanted to see you. Everyday, most days, more often than not. I wanted to sit face to face and talk about unimportant things. I wanted to…


His eyes are the same color as the earth after rain. His laughter changes sounds like the shift of seasons. It is the rumble of thunderstorms on some days and the soft warmth of sun on some others. Sometimes I get so lost in it I forget speech mid sentence. His is the kind of…

I absolutely hate love. I hate the word love. I hate what it means. I hate how something in me grows so incredibly furious each time I type it and every time I read it. I hate how it makes me feel the same way as disgust, inconvinience, repulsion. I hate what it stands for….

I am about the write the silliest thing I’ve ever written: I think I knew you before I knew you. I remember hearing your name and hearing it ring in my head like a familiar sound. I remember pushing the thought away as I do with most others. I remember looking at that tiny brown…


Time is a complicated thing. Some days it stands still, relentless and immovable. At others, it’s a slippery slope and all it does is flow and flow and flow, irrespective. That’s how life has been lately. I wake up and I hug myself into the rare moments of silence. I walk out and life begins,…

Over | 11 may 2022

There are certain sadness that you only subject people who love you to. And never people YOU love. And I think that is the saddest thing I’ve ever had to type. Absence is one such sadness. I wasn’t born yesterday. I wish I was so I wouldn’t see through it all. Time that moves you…


I’m convinced that if I get to do it once again, I’d make you fall in love with me too. I’d know just what to say and just how to act. It’d finally be a complete narrative. But then it’d be a work of fiction. It wouldn’t be our story. . It wouldn’t be me…

longing | 03-03-23

There’s no greater misfortune than unrequited longing. To have your heart stammer in your chest with directionless words and immensurable want. To feel so limited in sourcing your illimitable love. To have so much to give and no takers. There is no greater sorrow than feeling lonely in crowds. Hearing words spoken to you but…

Unusual |8 January 2022|11:11

Strange life, this one. I don’t even know who I am anymore. Is it healthy longing for self awareness or vain attempts at self importance that one of the most recurring subjects in my life is this three word question: ‘who am I?’ Usually I have a fair idea. Not a perfect one but it…

starved (or so) |

The world committed a crime. One it’ll never itself admit to having orchestrated. ( One I don’t think it intended to carry out but did) It did the folly of convincing me I was stupid for wanting love. It made me believe love was a conjucture for the young and foolhardy. It told me It…

Slow Trudge | 13 April ’22

Lazy mid-night, matted hair, tussled in an unruly bun right on the top of my head, haven’t had a dream in a long time. I am sitting on my bed, legs folded, back hunched, bangs obstructing my vision and tendrils of hair escaping without notice. Ideas surround me like a hurricane. My eyes hurt but…

There are conversations in my head that no one strikes. Words that get lost in the clamour of wordly things. I am willing to bend and twist and sculpt myself to make way for the world and the world won’t do the same for me. You can’t love me. You won’t. We are in adjacent…

WEEK 1 |

I’ll changing things a bit around here, refixing my narrative temporarily so to say. Simply put, some of my posts might not make any sense to people (not that they usually do but anyhow) but It is what it is what it is. So, it started a week back. And I had been waiting for…

Compromise | 6 Feb’22

I met a man. He had the face of my dreams. When he talked , I could hear words that were, until now, said only in my imagination. He had the same curves and symmetries I had always envisioned.He was handsome is silent ways, his face a rough sketch of delicate lines. Lines that looked…

Obligation | 1 Feb’22

These buildings hide generations worth of woes, the streets trampled under the heavy feets of dejected dreams and unfulfilled wishes. The sky dark with the last fumes of flames distinguished long before they could be called fires. Our hearts are no more hearts than empty guestrooms. Living someone else’s life as our own.Wherever we go,…


Every year around this time, I write myself a letter, every year it’s more to the past then to the future. But this time around, I don’t want to look back. I want to keep nineteen at an arms length and forget it exists anymore than foreign air.Now, twenty in itself isn’t anything but a…


Burned all the bridges, severed all the ties. The roads have flooded and our vessel has a hole. Now I float above the abyss. The worlds gone quiet. You are next to me, looking away. Yet and still. You won’t speak and you can’t hear. Air: heavy as tar. Trees like skeletons portruding from the…

Let it rain| 10 January 2022

Tonight I’m alive in long list summers and forgotten childhood. The times of drenched hair and toothy smiles. Summers that were spent hopping roofs, making paperboats that are destined to sink and watching peacocks leave behind the weight of unruly feathers. Summers spent traversing old country trails and climbing trees. Summer of sixteen, cherry lips,…

profane- Ashe Vernon

 The first time he calls you holy,you laugh it back so hard your sides hurt.The second time,you moan gospel around his fingersbetween your teeth.He has always surprised you into surprising yourself.Because he’s an angel hiding his halobehind his back andnothing has ever felt so filthyas plucking the wings from his shoulders—undressing his softnessone feather at a…

Hello 2022 |

‌My own ignorance surprises me at times. How is it, that I knew the world at sixteen and nothing at twenty (well, almost twenty)? How is it that I dream less often, think more, care much less yet way more?‌I sit with things.I don’t will them away, write them away, sing them away, sleep them…

12 NOVEMBER 2021| A song without words.

I think long and hard about the particularities of joy. The paradigm shifts, things change and its always the same old spiel. But yesterday, as I stood in a queue at a local outlet, lined behind three others waiting in turn for the checkout counter, there stood an old man right behind me. The place…

04-11-2021 |ORISON

Last night as we sat down to pray, I couldn’t see god around. Maybe he was hiding in the seams of the rugged mats beneath us, or maybe he was hiding around the curvature of holy beads and flickering flames and maybe, just maybe, he had fallen asleep to the sweet heady musk of lotus buds…All I know is that I looked around and tried to find him and he was nowhere.

No one worth possessingCan be quite possessed;Lay that on your heart,My young angry dear;This truth, this hard and precious stone,Lay it on your hot cheek,Let it hide your tear.Hold it like a crystalWhen you are aloneAnd gaze in the depths of the icy stone. Long, look long and you will be blessed:No one worth possessingCan…

High tide mark among inch deep puddles

The truth of the situation is that mild paternalism is the same as mild libertarianism. We are absolved and self- absorned. we continue defending what does not warrant defense, never quite accepting the fact that the shore is just as much land as it water. I’m only as beautiful as my ugliest thought. I’m only…

PENSIVE GLOOM|26/09/2021

The originator of the heavens and the earth. When hee decrees a matter, He only says to it: “Be! ـ and it is.” Yet my friendship with God is tainted with a distance neither of us wish to trudge across, It’s a stubborn friendship where I refuse to accept his aid, forever at battle with…

Stay Gold, E


If you only knew the number of times, I fire up my ‘compose post’ tab, only to stare at the blank screen and eventually log out, you’d know that the absence of words is more lack of thoughts than lack of trying. The only concrete thought that consumes me lately is, ‘When does life begin?’…

I haven’t written here in a long while and now that I sit here, finally resolving to spin words, I have nothing useful to say. What do I speak of today? the unretiring traffic and how the noise emanating is so loud, so cacophonous, that my own thoughts have lost meaning or do I talk…


It’s not that the well of all communication has dried or that there isn’t enough wood to light the hearth. It’s not that the world has stopped and the sky is too dry. It’s just that I’m not thirsty as often and not too cold either. And would you look at that? With things the…


I have run out of words lately. Besides, all they seem to do is add to the noise. Why use so many if the deepest of feelings are conveyed through quietude. I am neutral, idiosyncratic, hollowed and at peace. So I offer to you the only thing I have to offer: Silence.

In my desperation, I recognize her.In my loneliness, I understand hers.It’s easy to go crazy when crazy feels like a better alternative to present. Not this time though.

29 January 2021 | Birthday girl

I could go on and on and on about how the day went, how it made me feel, what I eventually learned and how terribly grateful I am. But the moment has passed, taking with it the ingenuity that I need to write about it. But I don’t want to forget the day or the…

It was through words I found you. Through words, I reach you. And through words, I beg to keep you close.~Caroline Someone


Maybe the reason I compulsive hold on to random things, to random junk is because I’m desperately trying to find something that’s mine to own. The reason I have heaps and heaps of feathers and herbs from that trip three years ago, dried leaves from that winter morning in the mountains, pressed flowers from when…

2/8/2021 9:10 PM I don’t want to forget this moment


I try so hard to be the perfect person. To touch others with ingenuity and love. But I am deliberate destruction and the touch of chaos. Whenever I seem to make any progress, I fall back into the same old spiel of ego. My vile throat leaks poison and my fingers draw hatred into words….

16 January 2021 | Best self

I’m my best self when I fix the chain of cycle through lubricant and rust stained arms and broken nails, without once asking for assistance. I’m my best self when I force myself to brush and wash my face with ice cold water at the wee hours of morning because there’s no one I’m letting…

13 JANUARY 2021

What is this constant want for directions when I have no set destinations?

12 January 2021 |HOLD ON

My brother has it all figured out. In every fight, however big or small, no matter whose fault it is, however bad it hurts, he turns it into a violent hug and he holds as thight as his tiny frame allows and there’s nothing like a kid hugging you tight through his tears to make…

11 January 2021

I spent three hours planning a trip with a friend, what a exercise in futility. I think we both knew deep down that none of our dreamy eyed plans ever work but it still felt good acting like we have control over our own lives. Had some relatives over, brewed them tea, I forgot sugar…

Strange it is, how I compulsively overshare and yet no one manages to know anything about me

If I could just hope to change even a scrape of the world for the better, I’d do anything to do just that

There are times when everything is devoid of meaning. But then I recall, there’s something that brings me here time and again to share my thoughts to the unknown. and there’s something that brings you here to read them too. There has to be some rational meaning to life

It’s 8 January 2021,I’m almost in my last teens, but not yet, not just yet. There are twenty two days of eighteens at my disposal. Twenty two nights that come with more than opportunities to hold eighteen in the palm of my hands and stare it in the face with my strongest gaze.How am I…

forlorn | 22 December 2020 | eeks

You spit and stagger, Stumble and stand up; but at the end of the day your dreams are forlorn. and your attempts, however pious, are all ineffectual. It’s taking everything I have to hold on because god letting go seems such an easy choice right now.


Some personal hurdles had me looking up ‘why values are important’ today. And I found more answers in my heart than I did on the internet. Values aren’t a part of life, they are a way of life. And If you have no values, you have nothing. It can feel freeing for a while. It…

You Could Rattle the Stars. You Could Do Anything, If Only You Dared. And Deep Down, You Know It, Too. That’s what Scares You Most. -Sarah J Maas

“I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some…

Don’t look for new ways to flee across the chessboard. Listen to hear checkmatespoken directly to you.—Rumi I look for any epiphany everywhere I go: In autumn leaves; In changing seasons; In empty vessels; In echoes; In the dark veils of night. I think and think and think some more until words are not words…

One who has a ‘why’ to live for can endure almost any ‘how’. – Friedrich Nietzsche

19 October 2020 |Primrose dreams

My dreams are like evening primroses, they bloom at the dawns call. They flower like a surreal miracle. Then the mornings arise and I have to shove them into caskets and bury them in the very depths of the same heart that spent hours irrigating their roots. As if that’s not enough, I force myself…

15 October ’20 | Sending hope

In my world, mornings are the middle of the day, not the start. I wake up to a busy house with four others but god knows, we know how to create a scene. In my world the house is not made of rooms but feelings. Every door leads to another, it’s the catacombs of love…

10 October 2020

My brain is an excited bird trapped in limitations of its own. I’m yet to learn flight, but I reckon fluttering my wings and jumping around in attempts is enough at the moment.

 For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, sees the dawn before the rest of the world. OSCAR WILDE, 1888

3 October 2020 ||Blue

When the world is finally silent of it’s every ensuing chaos. And the minds takes over with it’s cacophonous blabbering; That’s when the demons expose their true selves. They don’t appear on breezy mornings, nor do the choose the jet packed evenings. These demons of grief appear at night. And the demand acknowledgement. It is…

Bloom || 25 September’ 20

All my life, I’ve chased perfection.Forever friendships, one true love, lifelong goals, same old favorite colors. And even when things looked meek, I’d tell myself, it’ll pass. That I just had to keep smiling, fake it till I become it.Brag about friendship that were never as strong as I tricked myself into believing. Boast about…

23 September 2020 | Random

Should life really be a meadow when you so happen to desire a waterfall, an avalanche and a thunderstorm. Should life really be routine and repetitive when you want it to be random and rebellious. Why are the simplest things the hardest to find, like romance, joy and purpose.

22 September | homie

So I tried writing a poem,On your silly dumbass self.But the pages soon caught dust,Like old antiques on the shelves.My mind soon grew cobwebs,And the ink had all dried.But your dumbass couldn’t be wrapped in words,No matter how hard I tried.So, I thought to myself at last,Let’s write from the very start.And I closed my…

21 September | you

I’ve already spent hours staring at the screen. I mean, I’d prefer to write on crisp pages instead on virtual notes, but I hate to have anything to do with my words once they leave me. And so, I do not wish to type all over again. But the funny things is, I’ve nothing to…

Lies leave me feeling so dirty, no amount of cleaning can scrub it off.

15 September 2020 | Somedays.

Some days it’s my ears that I want to break off and set aside for a while, just so I don’t have to listen to things that have long stopped making sense. Somedays it’s my eyes that I want to dispose off, no longer up for the mild mannered routine. Somedays it’s my heart.

what I carry within me is too much idealism for one body, too much fire for one vessel

Run | 11 September 2020

My ability to burn old Bridges and disappear astonish some of those closest to me. The bonds I make are threadbare and thin and I don’t think twice before breaking them in two. And I have no excuse to make, nor any regret, because, I know it well,that I am a cyclone waiting to happen,…

11 September 2020| lately

Lately, this thought has grabbed hold of me, what if we’re all just one person, living different lives in different time spans. What if you are your bully, your friend, your role model, what if you are the murderer on the front page of daily news, you are the famous blogger you can’t help but…

midnight hour

9 AUGUST, 2020 As my fingers float on the keyboard, fishing for words, I have to force myself to take a moment to recollect. Some days my mind turns into a coven of fleeting thoughts. I am not a self-proclaimed philosopher, nor do I fancy myself as someone extraordinary, but in the mind of my…

midnight hour

9 AUGUST, 2020 As my fingers float on the keyboard, fishing for words, I have to force myself to take a moment to recollect. Some days my mind turns into a coven of fleeting thoughts. I am not a self-proclaimed philosopher, nor do I fancy myself as someone extraordinary, but in the mind of my…

8 September 2020| Frog

A frog in the pond, No world of my own. I talk to the creepers, The pebbles are my songs. Solitude makes words echo, The only applaud, is my own. With every leap of faith, I see a place unknown. I’ve memorized each splash, Each sound’s a familiar tone. But I’m a frog in the…

6 September 2020| Tonight

Tonight it was raining hard and I’d most likely have gone to bed. But something made me skimmy through my stuff. And there I was, with a box of paints and an almost finished art file. As my world slept, I was up, outside, breathing the rain, painting the skies in the middle of the…

I’m a bug about to be squished under the weight of life.

my mum is a shrine full of stories and my dad is the best storyteller I know.

4 September 2020| outlet

What is it when you have so much love inside you begging to be let out? What is it when there’s so much determination looking for an outlet? What is this avalanche of passion inside me constantly on the look out for a vessel to channelize it? Why is my unrest mind whispering to me,…

1 September 2020 |Who are you?

Is there someone,Who longs for me?In ways of worshipOn nights full of reveries. Is there someoneWho aches for me?As words written to set freeWho is he that would give meA moment of his time,Not for complaints and coersionsAs a muse for his rhymeWho is he, I wonder, Who could fall for my rough edges? Who…

31 August 2020 | Fate

Fate looks like papery spiders. And it weaves a nest so dissonant. You and I can only stand afar and observe it’s callousness like inanimate orbs frozen into space. It’s sordid games and rude rebuttals scar us like defiant wake up calls. We float in its waves like an autumn leaf strung in high winds….

29 AUGUST 2020

I have a stark clarity of what I don’t want in life and perhaps, that’s answer enough from the gods.

29 August 2020

The world works on absurd agendas, I am my own person and yet, I live by standards created long before my arrival. My hands itch to create. My fingers wish to birth worlds that would ease the pressure of pettiness. On magical moonlight evenings, I wish for time to come to a standstill. Somedays, my…

24 August 2020

Life is in cement cracks growing like little rebel dandelions, like a melody travelling miles, an echo shouting ‘I am here, I exist, I belong’, occupying space ready to take upon the world.

The brief of everything.

A fresh perspective and raw insights. A beautiful page spanning everything under the sky. Must follow! Check out ‘The brief of everything’ The brief of everything

16 August 2020 | courage

Dear diary, I stand on cross-roads knowing mighty well that a choice has to be made. One that I’ll have to make myself. But it is the knowledge that no matter what choice I make, I’ll have to give up all others, that is making my ribs collapse upon themselves. I can’t help but feel…

6 August 2020| life

The sky is a beautiful painting today, a canvas brought to life by a dreamy artist. To think that I’m witnessing this beauty, to think that I’m below this magnificence,  I must be really privileged. It’s moments like these when I’m most vulnerable and most honest with myself. Moments that distinguish my soul from my…

Want more | 6 August 2020

I just don’t like the mainstream life we all are set to live, the very idea of 5-9 job, two holidays a year (or less),  a psuedo happy wedding, maybe kids, it disappoints me beyond compare. That the idea of life we had as kids was a mere mirage the adults cooked and fed to…

4 August 2020

Some people are music, You only need a smink of their melody to set everything back right. Just a smink. An evening rhythm. As their voice steps down your throat into the cages of your ribs and fills you with warmth.

If my life was a song, it’d be ‘blow away’ a fine frenzy

29 July 2020

Bite my tongue, Still my hand Blue sea and skies, No sight of land.

28 July 2020 |

Dear diary, There seems just a little distance distinguishing self-sure from conceited. I find myself constantly treading on a fine line between aware and vain and I feel as though it is in my nature to be insatiable. Undeterred, unsatisfied, chaotic, constantly on a look out for the next best thing. I am what people…

why didn’t she? |

Why didn’t she fancy you?You can’t help but wonderBut lust is as fleeting as day,It comes with a timeline’s blunderSome people are more than just an ensemble,Not a pretty thing on displayTheir skin is just a cover,Hiding what miracles underlay.Why didn’t she see you before?What a sad question to chimeBecause a love like yours is…

Kargil diwas, 26 July 2020

Kargil, the land of victory!The crown of India is its decree.A hundred Indians rejoice,At the rich stories of it’s history.High mountains and snowy-peaks,Blood- ridden earth and corpse heaps.Rivers of red muddled with gloomWar scarred the land,Both green and blue.As warriors from our land,Walked hand in hand.A saga narrates, the shouts of ‘jai hind’As, all sects…

24 July 2020 | Blue

I watch the rain through a dew tainted car window. The cars look like a glowing mess of colors. Headlights shimmering like crazy magical sirens. The road are smeared with a layer of diamond studded gold. That shines like a miracle. The sky is dark blue and frankly, so is my heart. A little blue….

21 July 2020

Build a shrine out of fleeting feelings and pray to whoever holds the leash. Don’t let go. Don’t loose grip. Don’t abandon me. Keep me in control. Soak in rain, never drown. Bask in sun, never burn. Live, but not too much.

It’s absurd how hard we try to be the incorrect interpretation of ourselves we derived as a kid

15 July 2020

Separated by eons of time and space, you and I, we are one and we’re still two different people. One of these days, I’ll take your advice. I’ll wake up before the sun rises, I’ll go out, in the dark… And I’ll run. So fast, I leave behind the winds, So swift, I leave behind…


Please talk of romanticism like it’s a crime, But in a world that istrying so hard to numb you, to turn you deaf to the sunsets and blindto the music. It is no short of a rebellion to feel. To dance with thewinds and watch rhythms move through the air, to have a littlesave-the-world in…

3 July 20

I’m afraid, If I don’t make a choice, a choice will be made for me. But I’m not sure what to choose


17 June 2020

You belong among the wildflowers. You belong somewhere you feel free. 🎶 They say the world is ending on 21st, well I wouldn’t have a regret because it’s been a wholesome journey. I wish on the last of my days, I’m surrounded by my family. Laughing at the poorest of my brother’s jokes and cackling…

15 June 2020

First to forget. First to apologize. Doormat. Ready to be trampled. Ready to walked all over. Filled with meaningless servitude and unnecessary devotion. Most women in my life. I beg to differ. I aspire to break free from all these roles. To explode in a million stars and just disperse. Away. From fear. From need….

Nothing planned ever works quite like impromptu living

13 June 2020

‘Birds born in a cage, see flying as an illness’ Dream. Wreck it. Create hurricanes. Spend nights awake and days fantasizing. Wringe every ounce of meaning out of the days. create. Discover. Envision. A life half lived, is a searing wound festering till it rots away in offense The roots of my being lie in…

12,june 2020

So this human, he talks of the universe like his second home. he’s got his views sorted. Knows everything there is to know. He comes and goes as he pleases (much to my disappointment). He’s punk rock and mellow melodies. (And so much more) A little obsessed with details and death. But for someone who…

The sky is a graveyard of stars How I wish, to mourn forever.

Right company can be life changing.

Right company can be life changing.


It’s scary to start and worse to imagine staying the same


It’s scary to start and worse to imagine staying the same

In my cocoon for a while longer

In my cocoon for a while longer

Let’s keep our inner child alive.

As young children, we can’t wait to grow up and get on with our ‘adult live’. We grow up too old and too fast. Suddenly, we find ourselves at the brink of adulthood. The ripe age of eighteen and we are abruptly stranded on a foreign territory with no respite but our own skills and…

So I am on Spotify, I have a podcast channel. It’s called tater tots of life by eureka. Do check it out 🙂

The inevitable future |

From the ragged quote hanging on my wall to the latest post on my Pinterest feed. Everything revolves around the uncertain tomorrow. As to why I bother writing this is a question for another day. But here’s the thought that has been eating up on my insides for years now (and bear in mind that…

We decide our value.


Try walking all over me, and don’t blame me if you stumble.


I seldom find meaning in life. But when I do, it often creeps up on me from behind and whispers lowly, ‘beautiful, isn’t it?’ Somewhere, two hearts are doomed to never quite meet. Somehow, you find lifelong company in arms you least expected. The day ends. The nights pass. What an awful confusion life is.

Lost myself to the fear of not losing others

Woman are dangerous! Beware!

The thing about us women is that we drink the injustice like nectar. They say you cannot be peaceful if you aren’t capable of great violence. Otherwise, you are just harmless. And we are definitely not harmless. We stretch and stretch like a thread. Quite. Without complaints. Without a noise. We’re pulled till the extremities…

Again and again and again

I think I’m a little too love- starved. Never quite satisfied with any of the relationships in my life. Always wanting a little more. Always hungry for something unknown. Stuck in an eternal reverie. Trying to escape the clutches of reality at every morbid chance. I try to out-run the facts. I sprint and crawl…

I don’t know how to help you my moon. For I don’t know what hurts. But if my words are your panacea, I’ll die as your remedy

When love arrives

If I could. I’d put so much love in my words, they’d make you marvel forever. They would rip your jaw open, and slip down your throat like the very weight of the world.If I could, I’d cry for the mountains that beg to scream and echo instead. I’d cry for the rivers aching to…

Sleepless. Sonder.

Falling in love

I want sudden, unpredictable, insane love. I don’t want to ‘get to know’ someone and learn to love him. I don’t want mere similarity and biased chemistry. I want a connection that comes once in a lifetime and sparks. A storm sweeping me off my feet and out of my senses. After all it’s called…

A familiar smell

For the first time in what felt like a distant century, a familiar smell wafts into my senses, a fragrance so  delectable and homely. A memory of my father’s arms as he shook me to sleep on warm September nights, years ago. A sudden ache for my mother’s soothing lullabies and her hand caressing my…

My blemished moon, My distant sun, And my lethal pain. My heart. My beloved grace. In your arms, In your eyes, Is my death bed. My end. Each of my sighs, Is followed by your face.

The sea

I arrived inked in the sun and roasted red by the tides. The sea was my only lover and only in it’s waves, did I find solace. To love something so intensely and yet shiver in its company. To run open-armed into it’s shores and cower in his roar of welcome. To hate and admire…

Rain today.

It pours and pours and pours. Maybe the heavens descended.


It’s not death I’m afraid of. It’s the grief of a life deliberately wasted over nothing worthwhile. Of a life that wouldn’t mean anything, wouldn’t impact thale world. Would be oblivious. But then the earth is littered with corpses that are know unknown.


On a dark day, I look in to mirror and whisper to myself, ‘you are beautiful’ What turn of events.

Riddle me this, what’s your poison of choice?

As a traveller is to journey and a sailor to Voyage. I am to euphoria and the world is to love.

My muse

Every once is a while, muse knocks at my door. when I refuse to open, it jumps past the windows and settles itself on the my couch. Silent. Quiet. But alert. It stares openly. Analysing me. It questions my morals. Holds me at an arms length. Still silent. Still quiet. Still alert. Her hand glides…

My muse

Every once is a while, muse knocks at my door. when I refuse to open, it jumps past the windows and settles itself on the my couch. Silent. Quiet. But alert. It stares openly. Analysing me. It questions my morals. Holds me at an arms length. Still silent. Still quiet. Still alert. Her hand glides…


I could be your bittersweet companion on a night when I’m too melancholic to sleep alone and you are too caught in muse too fall asleep. And we could pretend we’re star crossed lovers. Fighting fate. But when my eyes well up with unshed tears, I’d know it’s a choice I made millenials ago. And…


If you are here, you might as well just greet me. Manners.

So what if it’s scared So what if it’s cracked. Let the cyclones swim. In hearts of hearts. My heart.

So what if it’s scared So what if it’s cracked. Let the cyclones swim. In hearts of hearts. My heart.

The seasons change, I glide at every turn. I slither and crawl past rock, Flowing past trees slowly wilting in the sun, Past cities aglow with the crowd at nights. Softly beside lovers crying on my banks, Past agony, past joy, past anger. I’ve been mesmerized, I’ve been repulsed. I’ve longed to stand still, And…

If I could. I’d put so much love in my words, they’d make you marvel forever. They would rip your jaw open, and slip down your throat like the very weight of the world.If I could, I’d cry for the mountains that beg to scream and echo instead. I’d cry for the rivers aching to…

Tell me what I am missing, tell me all I wantTouch me,  I dare you sea.Touch me if you can.

I wonder to myself if it wasn’t really love. But it was. It was love for what I knew love to be. And love doesn’t have to last to justify it’s title

I hate my body for so much more than just looks. But i love it.

I hate my body for so much more than just looks. But i love it.


Change. Change my face Change my stomach Change my nose Change my hips Change my hair Change my home Change me until I’m worth the love i seek. And before long, I’ll realize the love is no longer directed to who I am. So, fuck such change

Arbitrary dots, no story they join.

Dear cupid

The words are straining and speaking is social suicide.

Tranquil but morose

Tranquil but morose

What point being wise, morons are happier.


My cough inspired poem

I’m a natural calamity My thorax has a volano And lava seeps through my throat like a river of destruction. Don’t stand to close For it might burn

This body feels like a burden sometimes

Gubhare hain sab!

We fill ourselves with emotions, memories and thoughts until we inflate and inflate and expand into a gaint ass baloon aka. an adult. Then we start to relive those memories. The air leaks, we forget some. Eyes get blurry,  voice gets cracked. Oblivion is close and suddenly we’re all shrunken, Alzheimer’s becomes a way of…

It isn’t bragging if you know it’s true. Is it?

Sleep induced coma till I am actually awake

Sleep induced coma till I am actually awake

Like the Gulf of Alaska, we’re two oceans that come together but never mix.

Like the Gulf of Alaska, we’re two oceans that come together but never mix.

I’m my best friend. I’m my worst critic. And I’m my only solace in melancholy. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard finding someone who loves me right. Because no one can quite love me how I do.

Star crossed lovers unite

Look at me with your sapphire blue eyes and watch me swim in those pools.

Youth is such a temptress

Maybe, I am not meant for the noise. Because when I am silent. I’m alive. I’m crying, laughing, debating, living. And no one but me knows. And then I am loud, Loud laughter, loud emotions, none too real. But life’s just deeply unsatisfying.

Maybe, I am not meant for the noise. Because when I am silent. I’m alive. I’m crying, laughing, debating, living. And no one but me knows. And then I am loud, Loud laughter, loud emotions, none too real. But life’s just deeply unsatisfying.

Crowded. And not just outside.

A subtle change. Maybe none at all. A little excitement, almost breezy. A bundle of dreams The last of my seventeens

Cry a river

I have always left a part of me to things I loved. I left a little of me, to the roads I roamed. A chunk to the skies above. Another part to the people I left. Then another to the house, I was so used to calling ‘home’. I have given up so many tiny…

Letting go of the art of knitting poetry out of feelings. Slowly undoing the knots of rhymes For emotions are too many and there’s never enough yarn.

Letting go of the art of knitting poetry out of feelings. Slowly undoing the knots of rhymes For emotions are too many and there’s never enough yarn.

I no longer have words. This heart is an ocean spread over miles. But it has never learned how to swim

For I was too far gone to stop

I found the world when I met you

Four days of youth, a knotted story of angst. A little love for words and a little play of the times.

Carpe diem

Carpe diem

What a lie it has been My life till this moment.

When my name last comes up in a conversation, when my stories are last recited in get togethers, when my poetry is last read. That’s when I’ll really be dead.


The general public is here by informed that anyone who sees injustice and keeps quiet about it. And/or worse, has no judgement of wrongs, rights and moral character, is requested to kindly leave this blog forever. Stop following me. Stop liking my posts. The world doesn’t need weak cowards. And I sure as hell, don’t….

He leaned over. Smelling of sandalwood and hope. ‘You are the dream I’ve dreamt, for as long as I knew what it was like to dream.’ He says.

Here’s to the wind that sweep me to your shores. like you are my shrine and I’m a thirsty patron.


The night was shimmering. Milky moonlight hiding behind the velvety cloud curtains. Half-dim decorations, chandeliers, a slow almost- mute melody. And she walked down. In a red silk gown. Which, however pretty, didn’t quite do justice to whom it was adorned upon. Golden embroidery, not quite as shiny as her dark orbs. Curls flowing down…

She has always been too wild for a Prince. Perhaps, she wants a beast

Sure. Hades is a wicked man, mother. But he promised me a world of my own. How could I refuse his fruits – Persephone

Sure. Hades is a wicked man, mother. But he promised me a world of my own. How could I refuse his fruits – Persephone

Someday, when death rubs my pale cheeks with his thumb, I’ll look him in the eye. When he plants a soft kiss on my forehead, I’d tell him, I’ve never been afraid of him. He’ll smile. Half smirk, half grin. And he’ll take me away and perhaps, that’d be my love story. ~ EUREKA

Who could possibly wake up to the post rain dewiness and not feel a sense of reincarnation.

Even the best of us have unresolved issues and unfathomable wants

Do you walk out of the bar – after some hefty pints of vodka – laughing heartily over an inside joke your friend cracked. All smiles. Picture perfect. Strangers envy you. People would love to exchange places with you. And then you part ways. Head home to an unsettling emptiness. Lie in bed with an…


The familiar fog, evidence of an existence, I know not what to do with. A forced smile tugging on my lips, A demeanor unbiased and welcome to all. A sinister heart. An aching, throbbing bundle of desires. Only it doesn’t yet know what it wants. A guilty conscience, an endless sea of secrets hidden from…


No shred of fabric covering the flesh. Vulnerable eyes scanning past crowds Herds and herds of people rushing opposite, Like a shrill breeze sweeping past A loud cacophony of nuisance. Words that don’t make sense Hurried syllables, prying eyes. Hushed whispers and unmasked glares. Words. Sounds. Noise. Dismal. Delusional. Demented Attention seeker. Cheap whore. Femi-nazi…

Some things are better uprooted and out of sight. Like wilted flowers and unwanted weed.Anything hindering growth

Would it be in sin, to break old bonds like cotton threads connecting dying constellations of memories.

la joie est réelle

A land of fear

They took a hammer, struck it hard. Took no mercy, broke my heart. They used a driller, drilled my brain All the memories, drained like rain. With the waves rising ever high, and winds blowing ever fast. There is no clue or sign, To how long this solitude will last. “Do this, not that. Life’s…

Mid night. City lights. Mellow rhythms. Me.

How unnatural it is, to crave lukewarm.

For your smile is a remedy from gods

You could just stay. I know, I am desperate to. I’ll lay the sheets and, And flick them low lights. I’ll count your never ending pitfalls You can caress my countless blemishes. And we’ll lie. As naked as we could be, With our clothes still on. Touching, but not really. Whispering promises through the silence….

Chapter 5

Dearest Gracey. Your father died around your seventeenth birthday. You cried on my shoulder all night. As I caressed your hair and cradled you. I remember you fell asleep in my arms that night. I hurt me to see you in pain. A few days later, I found your limp body hanging from the fan….

Chapter 4

Dearest Grace, At sixteen, I lost my mother to cancer. It was a wake-up call for me. I saw her at chemotherapies. My mother. That I loved the most. The only person I loved. I felt her pain.  Stark pain. Terrorizing, binding, helpless and suffocating pain. Losing her was like losing reason.  I was lost….

Chapter 3

Hey Grace, At fifteen, my parents filled for divorce. Apparently, my father was having an extramarital affair. I was devastated. My family was breaking apart.  Why?Why couldn’t my family stay together? Why can’t my father be loyal? Why can’t my father be like yours? You. You. You. You. You. It was always your fault. Even…

Chapter 2

Hey…uh…Vic- Grace, You see, I have decided I will refer to you by your name. Victim seems dense. It sounds as if I am a criminal. Although, according to you – I am a criminal. Still. Somedays, I dream of you. I dream of your carefree face the day, I first saw you but it soon…

[A bully story]Chapter 1

☾Sad birds, still sing.☽ Hey victim, I would say ‘dear’, but you are not dear to me. and I would say your name but I don’t want your name to even roll off my tongue. We were six when I first saw you. I remember that day like yesterday. You were wearing that lilac sun-dress…

Rose girl

She doesn’t skip YouTube videos no matter how long, because she fears it’s inconsiderate to the makers.

The dragons and the dungeons, The moth and the flames. The wolf and the full moon, The players and the games. Love spared none.



I’ve captured rainbows in my lashes, And sunshine in my eyes. Mountains on my feet, Tornadoes on my mind. I have trapped fairies in my fists And demons in my smile. Courage on my shoulders And all odds by my side. I am carrying mystery on my face, And mischief in my heart. Laughter and…

What a tragedy that masquerade balls are no more

What a tragedy that masquerade balls are no more

I’d worship all religions. I’d visit all dargahs, mosques and churches. To make one wish. Please god, Let love last.

Who am I?

Who am I? But a lost cause. An apparent failure, Seeking applause. Who am I? But a contradiction. A shadow under, A false prediction. Who am I? But a social clown. An ordinary girl, In an ordinary town. Who am I? But a tiny tear. A twisted brain, Oh, a story of fear! Who am…


When I’m old and senile, And all that’s left of me is debris. Would you still love me?

I was your child, But now I am, A reflection of my callings. I was ideal, But I transformed. Into the nights, From the mornings. You can suppress, And you can tame. But the nature of my soul, Remains unchanged. And though you wish, For the calm to return. As I grew, I inherited the…

The misty rain, And the thirsty lands. The cloudless skies, And the grains of sand. Ask me, what I want? Explanation, they demand. Yet, I’m impalpable. So quiet, I stand.

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t win? Live.

My vocabulary is altogether too limited to express the oceans of emotions I fell

Another year is about to pass and almost all of my teen years have revolved around the basic questions of identity. Who am I? What am I? Why am I? I know not yet the answers,  but I think I have a brief hunch now. Lately I feel as though, I am a enigma of…

A love story.

The curtain were drawn   the sheets were laid   the air was warm   slow music played   we both stood still   our heartbeats raced   I knew no dance,   but with you, it was great   my breathe slowed down   and your eyes just stared   we moved like sand…

Do dreams come true?

Which fuels my mornings And burns like wildfire. Like a sudden ache, A distant desire. Throbbing like electricity, The veins feel like wires. Dismal and delusional. Incomplete but entire. It slowly constructs, An enticing empire. With bricks of fantasies, And plans haywire. But, can I own my palace? Am I allowed to? Do I believe…

The day.

22 December 2019. Impenetrable cold. Light breeze. Shortest day of the year. And every second was a century.

Growth is weirdly addicting. Can’t wait for the beautiful life I am manifesting to unfold.

Every once in a while I come across a picture and I can’t help but to grow up fast to I can witness it. Alone.

Too sweet, is sour too.

Life’s pretty simple really, we, homo spiens just have a knack for complicating it :/.

I am seventeen. Technically, I am ‘supposed’ to have dreams. Or wishes. Both the big ones and the small. But the truth is,  I don’t. “What bullshit,  A seventeen year old kid without wishes, what are you talking about?” “Are you depressed? ” Well, I am not. And no I don’t have any wishes. I…


Each little petal of my blossoming heart echoes love. Relentless and infinite love. It’s amusing how I am more willing to love, than to be loved. But in my defense, there’s too much love inside. It’s near about threatening to overflow. So much love, I fail to understand what use I should put it up…

I am so benevolently content in who I am.

I laughed heartily today. It matters because why can’t I simply dwell in the bliss of mundane pleasures. So should you sir.

Grab me by my collar and shake me,  till all answers fall off.

Now that I am here, I might as well enjoy myself.

This very moment. This moment. When my parents are laughing. My brother is joking around. Memories are over flooding. Life feels light. I feel wild. Breathing is easy. I couldn’t be more grateful to have been born in this era, this house, with these people. And no constellations could ever suffice my love for my…

Wound. Words. Bleed.


Rain drops like diamond, they fell on the pavement. Sparkle, here; Sparkle,  there. Life looked like a fog glazed glass swept all blurry. And in that moment, my heart had just one wish. One ardent yearning. One exceptionally crazy desire. Was it the madness of the scattered showers or was it a hidden need I…

Paper hearts. We bruise.

I’d never traveled in this world. But I loved this world. And I would love it evenmore once I learned how to speak its language—for it was my language, a form of address where our deepest longings are smuggled in banter, not because it is safer to put a smile on what we fear may…

I am happy.


When I am senile and old, Would you still love me… Enough?


How can I be me, when I have started to realize that all I am,  is a sum total of little anecdotes, books and thoughts of everyone else that I’ve come across till this breath?

Having a good time?


There’s something so tranquil about metro musings. Bewildering thoughts that I didn’t know I was capable of thinking invade me. I could sit alone on the platform and gush over them all day.

How people consume narcotics to numb their senses is beyond me. I mean what is it that makes them want alcohol, cigarettes and drugs to escape reality?  Because really, if it was upto me, I’d take whatever it takes to live in it.


A precious human told me, the world is how I see it. And that I should try to see it as a reflection of beauty. So here goes, I found profound truth today, because never before in my life, did I ever realize that I am so blind. The same neighborhood that I stroll around…

I am lost and confused. God knows, it’ll be fun figuring shit out.

A purple girl.

If I stood amidst a room full of girls, I sure wouldn’t be the prettiest of them. Or the smartest. When I walk along huge crowds,  I am not easily spotted. Not the richest girl around. Not the luckiest. Neither the tallest. I am not the most envied. My body isn’t perfect. My locks aren’t…


“You call yourself a free spirit, a ‘wild thing,’ and you’re terrified somebody’s gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you’re already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it’s not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It’s wherever you go. Because no matter where you…

Maybe I am searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots ~ R U M I

Why do you write sad poems? Well, obviously because I am very happy.

I am just another anecdote. And what was I thinking? That I’d somehow be a story?  Huh.

Why are we even alive?  WHAT THE FRICK IS OUR PURPOSE

Who could possibly find muse in my mundaneness? ❤


Warning: The general public is hereby informed that this heart doesn’t listen to it’s owner anymore.  

The city.

Forever, encage me behind a window overlooking the city. I still wonder if I’d succeed in gazing each nook and corner over.

‘Why are you so sad?’ He said,  out of nowhere. ‘What? How am I sad?’ I laughed as I stared out of the window at the trees again. ‘You are laughing too much.’ He replies with a shrug. Just like that.

Finally falling for me.

This isn’t a poem. It won’t rhyme. it probably won’t make sense either. But this is it. The most private revelation held out in the open, to prying inquisitive eyes. Here it is,  everything I feel and everything I’ve always chided myself for feeling. The earliest of my wishes and the latest of my desires, …


The seasons change, I glide at every turn. I slither and crawl past rock, Flowing past trees slowly wilting in the sun, Past cities aglow with the crowd at nights. Softly beside lovers crying on my banks, Past agony, past joy, past anger. I’ve been mesmerized, I’ve been repulsed. I’ve longed to stand still, And…

Oh what an incredulous age of insanity. A girl like me, crying over ‘finding meaning?’ Huh. What times.

I hated mangoes, now I don’t. [It’s not about the mangoes or anyone]

Here I sit, Sonnetting.

I have seen him sitting sonder, with moist and misty eyes, and I have seen his crooked teeth, as he laughed like he had no worries. I have sat with him as his eyelashes, weighed down with the heaviness of mere existence. I have seen him punch doors, as if they were faces. He made…

The same ordinary things./

You realise how the same ordinary things when attached and immortalized by attaching with an event,  moment,  person or story become extraordinarily beautiful and lovingly special like the same old song that you probably heard a million times before when someone special sings for you or dance with you on it,  becomes memorable and whenever…


Potential unexpressed turns to pain. but oscar wilde once said “What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise” I searched for honey got stung by the bees but I WON’T let what I can’t do get in way of way I can.

LETTER TO THE perjurer

they say you own the land, the skies. everything. they say all the ladybugs are yours, all the cloves planted by you. you own the moon, and control the sun. Pink Hearts, Yellow Moons, Orange Stars, Green Clovers, Blue Diamonds, Purple Horseshoes, and Red Balloons. all yours and you do have a sky full of clouds…

beautiful existence [POEM]

pain takes me to places that, poise never told me existed. every tear gets a little more sweeter, as cracks widen into ambit of separation. thoughts ravel into my neurons like the Gordian knot and I merely stare, into blank space…. No I haven’t given up, I am not fed up yet….. but I do,…

Demons [POEM]

wish they couldn’t hear, what I never shaped into words Am hybristophilic to the demons in the hearth All these apprehensions are being censored with every consternation, they are being lured. asculating my silence, nevertheless. Not a safe place, be it heavens or earth I keep waiting for the fever to end even since it’s…


Hey reader!! hope you are having that time of your life.  Well, since most aren’t…hope it gets better….I don’t like this weather, winters are surely not my cup of tea….I prefer summers… all the clothes, food, the sun… It just gets me every time over these chilly winds of feb. As these last few winter…


perhaps the worst wrongs of my life were the ones they acclaimed, were just right for me. but maybe that’s what you live for – the uncertainity.


And your biggest fault was – trying to knock me off a pedestal , I built myself……I remain and will always be, that heinous bitch who walked past your shit, like the ground beneath was glowing with stardust….I am my own trap queen, my condolences to you for even trying.because rigth now I am at…


it’s a pity when the castle you constructed brick by brick cemented with love and painted with the ink promising forever is breaking and all you can do is see it fall, brick by brick and approach the end


it’s a curse disguised as a blessing that I had since birth, I look good from a safe distance, but as soon as you step a little closer to the despair and debris, you will figure I am not exactly what I seem to be, that I ruin everything I touch . You will figure…

always smiling

No sun can light up the darks of your soul when you shut your eyes to the light….


spent tides of time acting like I was different, somehow better…like i was meant for something bigger, that I was the horizon and that I had a bewildered purpose, as If I was forever… But the clouds of myth faded and the rays of reality invaded… And on closer scrutiny I realised How easily replacable,…


Into the distant nothingness, I am setting… slowly fading into the dusk and letting the stars take over But before I leave, I am caressing your lips, steadily moving my fingers over the silk threads of your enticing existence swiftly and magically shining as I pass your waves… Thinking that maybe this is what it…

Saturation point

That phase, that saturation point of your life when all of a sudden the moon of your life is slowly receding, and all you can do is watch it fade into eternity and dull into a lifeless invisible crescent, when slowly and gradually you are so deprived of it’s transient shine that you are wiling…



I just look out of the window pane….

Carrying a heart, that’s meant to break and a reality, I have to face thinking all the time. minding what I shouldn’t say stopped from questioning, their utter waste, smiling a little instead of laughing insane, because I am afraid, it boils their veins. judged on how I look, or think a certain way. everything…

that’s how you write

To avoid ripping their ribs, I lie. but every me in my poems, is a little part of “I” you got to live it all, before you rhyme and write. you have to absorb it and  feel it deep inside ink of your soul, and the pages of your mind once it’s in your head…


we were just two stones lying somewhere in the forest, amongst a thousand others. though every single stone was similar… we were are little too alike and ever different yet Fate pulled us strongly, we moved closer… inch-by-inch at first and then like lightening our forces were too strong to stop just on time… /we…

//TO YOU I MAY APPEAR TENDER // because you only see my petals //BUT I GOT THORNS REMEMBER// To survive through battels ~EUREKA DAHIYA

with you

moving, meeting, shaking , greeting turning, gasping, heavy breathing. moon’s shinning, sun is shrinking stomach burning, throat growling stones are swimming, wood drowning sky’s watching, land is slipping, world’s sleeping, doors creaking, days running, nights cheating A “me” is losing, the other winning rainbows painting, clouds are raining with you my world is enchanting well…

singing under the sun….

written on slate with the rhythm of sand the colors all fade when time turns around washed in the winds temper hurrying down opening our gates just to shut them up coming like rain sounding sniper fire washing back shores flaming hard desires dancing each step walking down the aisle swallowing the hurt swimming in…


one split sec. When you mean the most One wrong step and the moment is lost One minute late And the door gets closed Shut your eyes And The chapter is closed Surrounded by a caravan You still feel alone Inside’s cuddled up in a ball acting up all strong -EUREKA DAHIYA

keep two things in mind Never give up and Never lose sight, of what consumes your mind And their’s no point denying, You may not get, Each and every thing at once But give it a try, Reach breath taking heights Somewhere you will see, The hustle was worth Stronger than yesterday, Weaker than tomorrow….

Cognizant 🇮🇳

All the unsaid, was said and done. Can’t save no bullets, Of destiny’s gun The harder they run, The more,  the fun. All the palm lines, Merged into one. Stepping in volcanoes Numb to the burn. Standing under it, And shinning brighter, Than the sun. Drowning the woods, Because we spare, none. Try us we…

I want to do everything that’s wrong when I know what’s just right. not used to waiting Now i feel sick inside. to every problem, big or small, there’s only one advice “follow your heart and, listen to it’s voice” but different parts of my heart share different insites running in different directions viewing only…


Calm weather and  rain, Only breaks your heart, when Your better half’s away…

  We are miles apart, And I can feel your breath I can feel it’s warmth I am in the clouds When I am looking down I fan your flame with open arms, I believe in you, I fell your spark, But the Truth is hard, People are oversmart If you don’t save it, They…

standing on a cliff with closed eyes, and jumping right into the sea, despite all fears, do you know that feeling? arrows and knives stabbed on you back, falling on your knees, and getting up again, blade cuts on your wrist, and the pleasure of pain when it’s stinging, holding a naked wire maybe that’s…

when the thunderbolts struck , the lands of serenity when lightening raged all grounds of wisdom when tornadoes swayed with them, all conscience and wit. when senses were struck, in the curfew of confusion when all pride had melted, in the heat of oppression when backs were turned and hopes were burnt. when all the…

that’s when they first/last met

Empty road Heels in her hands trees and moonlight tired legs; mild raindrops drenched vest creaking sound quarrels in his head   city midnight faking a smile at the bus stand were two pair of eyes one broke his wedding one fought with her dad that’s where they’d first met shinning stars and broken hedge…


Glad that I finally found Somebody like you walking on an unknown street Destination – no clue We fight and shout Like straight out of a zoo Laughing at each other like we a mad crew A crazy breeze is flowing And I am moving along Saying and doing things Never thought I would do…

blessed are those who have truly known, what it feels.. to be reborn To stumble and fall and taste the sand. unable to walk but willing to crawl blessed are those who chose to work in dark and haste with questions raised no doubt can ever slow there pace who always smile towards the menace…

let’s get lost

walls have ears and mirrors have eyes let’s get lost somewhere no one can find Away from the town and far from this race where we are strangers an unknown face. looking through keyholes behind the trees pack your bag, they are watching let’s run to be free. and we won’t hang on just once…

something like that

The curtain were drawn the sheets were laid the air was warm slow music played we both stood still our heartbeats raced I knew no dance, but with you, it was great my breathe slowed down and your eyes just stared we moved like sand curving like slate, those hair smelled great like a chocolate…

that last leaf

The one about to fall with the weakest twig I am that very leaf that one that’s never sure The one that’s insecure The one, fading slowly…. Slowly turning pale I am already so frail it’s seem I’ve waiting, since eternity…. no reason to hope the fall, non can stop letting go, has never been,…


I know it’s falling off, that mask you wear. I know you want to hide, those bloody tears. you say you’re fine and okay,  deep down you care. and there’s no flesh, no blood, but scars are there. I know they are dragging you down, your empty fears. Don’t hold your breath, it’ll pass. Once…

I wish miracles could turn back time and I could scream COME BACK  to myself while I stand on the rock bottom awaiting….

Even if you were a dead flower.

Even if you were a dead flower I would water you… I would water you today, tomorrow, The day after tomorrow… I would water you till I am myself old and weak, uncapable of moving… I would water you not because I am stupid enough to think that a dead flower could be brought back…

Everyday is a fight…. between whats wrong and whats right, The morals I believe? or the moments I strive? Everyday I am confused… by the methods, I previously used, should I follow or should I rule? Everyday my conscience shatters my wants… Lost in an enchanted maze, limitations try to tear the world apart Everyday…

They vs. Us

We could be running, chasing And fighting… a hundred faces watching through their doors we would be burning like a million volcanoes…and follow testimony for our fires. They will keep staring and we would see the curtains drawn. And while we are digging oceans They would losing all control We would growing off our wings…

cold are your nights and days spent in pain but don’t you fall in love this stupid love is vain don’t let his eyes fool you that smile is a pretend his comments are flattery in the end they are all the same the promises and looks are, all the more fake it’s about time…

It may seem like we are drifting towards the full stop like everything we ever believed about miracles was a lie like the world is about to fall apart but it’s not the end it’s not even close to the end this, is the beginning of what i knew would definitely be knitted from the…

and you need to fight/

Life is a matter of ups and downs, Unsolicited just wear the crown. No matter how the setbacks appear, They are your audience and you – their clown. You are the orator of your own tale, Do something today, that everyone will hail. Life is a matter of ups and downs, Focus on the present,…

words to swear by

Ever since I was a kid I had a 6 second rule. That means that if I had something I needed to do but didn’t want to, I’d count till 6 and do it anyway. My personal rule was to just never ever break that rule, that at 6, I HAD to get it going….

we humans are the accidents of evolution some living in reality and others in illusion we are the portals of of morality and precision breathing fire and smelling smog, the world our creation swimming in air, rolling in flames, there is no limitation fighting the abundant odds, struck in expectations conquering, losing, winning, craving satisfaction…

lost thoughts

Because  that’s what u think..But what u reflect is something different If the person only makes u happy!! Then that is fake If the person only makes u cry and sad at all times!! Then that’s fake But if the person makes u feel sad..Then he can fix it by himself and if he does…

In a night…

In a night, twice as dark as darkness could be, Flapping her wings is a raven. Hollow air, heavy heart, restless mind, Emptiness all around….. Thoughts spilling in her brain like tar…. Drowning her.  Desire boiling in her veins… Choking her nerves. Dreams blurring her vision… A thousand words unsaid, A thousand dreams unscrupulous,  A…

stroking her hands, in a hurry stretching her lips in a smile and hiding her giggles… Voice suddenly becoming louder legs suddenly moving faster each breath a little deeper each word a little effortless each action a little ignorant everything else felt vague while she stood their, eyeing her passion…… and the paper, white and…

They took a hammer, striked it hard took no mercy, broke my heart they used a driller, drilled my brain all the memories, drained like rain the waves rising ever high and winds blowing ever fast there is no clue of sign to how long this solitude will last “do this not that, it’s a tit…

new year bells!!

Be like the running water Just seep in find your way Be like the open sky Welcome ideas, think big Be like the low-lying canopy Shadow others, give them fruits Be like the Himalayan yew Calm at heart, cure-all Be like candles and lanterns Burn night and day to spread light Be like the sharp-eyed…

the dark

The dark fascinates me Isn’t it abnormal for something so unlit to hide so many colours, so many shades, so many mysteries. It is indeed mesmerizing How its silence speaks louder than oprah How beautiful is its aura How charming its calm How it hides everything in it so wonderfully How all the misery just…


that something behind everything, that my dear is destiny, call it god, or science or insanity, i call it destiny: the shedding of leaves the falling of fruits the hatching of eggs the twinkling of stars the shinning of moon the setting of sun the end, the start what keeps us apart the death, the…


ME I am a thinker with loud sighs I am a dreamer with open eyes Am a melody  a little surprise A can of coke, with crunchy fries I am a mistake with no price Am a journey with lows and highs I am an infant, longing cries An emergency, teary eyes A fresh morning…